Lyric discussion by fanmkreyol42 

Cover art for Galang lyrics by M.I.A.

This song is about pot trafficking. purple haze is a type of weed, and London slang is mostly spoken by minorities and young people in England. Basically, the character in the song is a youngster trafficking pot in Sri Lanka, is getting chased by the person he or she is dealing with , and might get caught by the police one day. Trafficking drugs and sucking a few dicks is what gets some ppl enough money to flee to London, but M.I.A. is saying that working and praying is what they should be doing instead, and she does not agree with all the shit ppl have to do for a living in her country. It is really tough. Remember, M.I.A. is all about politics. And p.s., most of british slang derive from Jamaican patois because when England had dominion over Jamaica years ago, many Jamaicans took advantage of it and fled to England. This also exploains why English is spoken in Jamaica, along with Trinidad, Tobago and Grenada.