Lyric discussion by yourtwowinters 

Cover art for Riches and Wonders lyrics by Mountain Goats, The

i think both individuals have real feelings of love for one another, but it seems like they're trying a little too hard to build something more expansive out of it -- it's like they use an equation to achieve the best possible result, but the love that comes from it isn't organic.

they try as hard as they can to make things grander than they really are; inventing secrets, learning new ways to say "i love you" -- they use these techniques and act carefully in order to not disrupt the thing they've been building. it makes me think of love as a plant they've been fertilizing and pruning until it becomes a beautiful, but carefully orchestrated, thing.

"and i want to go home / but i am home" makes me think maybe the narrator realizes that even though their love works in a mathematical way, all of the extra work and awareness makes it less satisfying. he doesn't feel like the space they've built is really home, but acknowledges that it's supposed to be, so he has to reign in his "poor impulse control" and keep working to maintain things.

overall, i think things are wonderful on the surface, and even emotionally to an extent, but also that there's an underlying sense of dissatisfaction that peeks through and makes the song less idyllic than it first seems.