Lyric discussion by doda 

This song is about elitist hipsters in general, the kind that condescend to emo kids and scene kids. Yet, at the same time Max is indicting elitists, I personally think he comes out as more pretentious and elitist than the hipsters he criticizes. Not everyone who shops at thrift stores or looks "pseudo-bohemian" or uses analog equipment is a snooty elitist. He then gets defensive and tries to make himself seem genuine and not so pretentious by stating his own unpretentious ambitions. I dislike elitists as much as anyone else, but this song is just plain mean-spirited- you just simply can't attempt to tear someone apart like he does because of material things like he does. It reminds me of the scene in Good Will Hunting in which Matt Damon walks into Robin Williams' character's office and just starts talking tons of shit about him because of the paintings and other items he sees in there.

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