Lyric discussion by DarkEternal 

I've had to listen to this song countless times (anybody who has played MVP Baseball 2005, as it is on the soundtrack, knows what I mean). I really don't like this song a lot. The sound to me is just blech. I agree definitely with the Queen influence, but Queen was original and excellent. It just seems to me that they are trying to hard. I mean, I'm not gonna come on to a board of a band I don't like and just say "omg this band sucks". I know I don't like that for my favorite bands. I just want to give my honest opinion on here. The lyrics to me just sound sexist. I know there have been mentions of sarcasm and such but I think that the lyrical combination with the music just produces an overly sexual tone. If you are trying to get people to view your lyrics as a sarcastic hit on society shouldn't there be some sort of metaphorical comparison? Instead it just sounds straight up like another womanizing song.

The Variable, I definitely see where you get that point, however shouldn't "True Love" be about love and not lust? I don't get that vibe from the song. I've had to listen to this song enough that I was just thinking all this and I figured I would run it by some others who obviously have heard the song and have an opinion. (And one final thing, it isn't that I don't like the song cause I've heard it too much, I really didn't like the song much from the get go, and the repetition has not made it grow on me.)

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