Lyric discussion by wfco 

Cover art for Uno lyrics by Muse

"It could be about an ex, and he's saying to her "Look at us now" Nah I think whoever said it was about someone who didnt know he liked her, or wasn't interested because he wasn't as popular as her or whatever, was right, it can't be about an ex because it says "And you don't know what you've done But I'll give you a clue" It's like he's yelling at her, but she doesn't know what he's going on about, because he was like a nerd kid perhaps who was looking at this popular girl from a distance and made little hints to her perhaps, that hse never acknowledged or picked up or something and now he's been driven mad by it all, kind of like Eminem's Stan only not crap

I don't think its about an ex. The problem with an ex is probably that they WERE number one. I think its about a relationship that DIDN'T happen. but that's just me

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