Lyric discussion by Changes 

Cover art for A Saucerful of Secrets lyrics by Pink Floyd

In my humble opinion A Saucerful of Secrets is a song about life. I also believe that the meaning of this song was not fully realized as it was being written. I struggle to put what this song means to me into words because like most songs, or should I say spiritual things, are hard to convey in human language. In other words are language is too limited to fully express the meaning of this song. I shall attempt by means of analogous.

First lets get on the same page here, I believe that true knowedge is transformational, ok here we go:

You have just had a revelation, your view has completely changed. (something new)

You have information and knowledge now and it is calling for you to change but you refuse to allow it to change you(Syncopated Pandemonium).

A feeling is bubbling up from the inside, a peace that transcends all understanding (Storm Signal).

You have now allowed the knowledge to change you, you have cut your moorings and you are floating out to sea (Celestial Voices).

To me it seems that this song, like many Pink Floyd songs, can be applied in so many different ways. The root of it, as expounded upon above, seems to be the process of human life: Presentation of new knowledge, fear of change, acceptance of new knowledge, change...a higher level of understanding.

To me this is a very important message for today, it seems that everyone is staying in the Syncopated Pandemonium stage. We live in the information age, and it seems to have done more harm than good.