Lyric discussion by Depth Sun 

i dont mean to sound cliche or emo, but this whole song seems to be about depression and dying inside. i dont happen to know much of anything about davey to make assumptions on whether this is accurate to his personality or something, so this is all completely objective.

it starts with " I am exploring the inside, I find it desolate" hes becoming introverted, looking within himself, analyzing his life and his soul, and seeing that his fire inside has been put out, so to speak -- his soul has died.

"I do implore these confines, now, as they penetrate, recreate me" he cant avoid looking within himself, and doing so has made him a competely different person.

"I'm hovering throughout time, I crumble in these days I crumble, I cannot, I cannot find reflection in these days" hes living almost outside of time, almost like an observer, like hes just kind of hovering, and not really living in real life, if that makes any sense. hes just falling apart inside, becoming more and more detatched from life. he cant hold the burden, he cant handle his life -- he "cannot find reflection in these days"

"(If you listen) Listen, listen (Listen close) Beat by beat" here, hes really looking inside himself, making the analogy of listening to his own heartbeat.

"(You can hear when the heart stops) I saved the pieces (When it broke) And ground them all to dust" in looking inside himself he could almost see himself die, and watched it all happen. he says he saved the pieces, hes remembering what he used to be like, remembering when he was alive and happy, and he cant handle thinking about how great it was and so he smashes the pieces, tries to deny and avoid his memories, because they just make him feel worse.

"I am destroyed by the inside, I disassociate I hope to destroy the outside, it will alleviate and elevate me" he has become so devastated by depression inside himself that he has began to cut himself off from the world. he sees that he can no longer relate to the outside world, and theres a kind of hostile jealousy of the happy lively people around him, and he thinks that he would be happy and peaceful if all the happy people were gone so he wouldnt have to look at them and live with them.

"Like water flowing into lungs, I'm flowing through these days As morphine tears through deadened veins, I'm numbing in these days" water flowing into lungs is just a poetic emphasis and segue into the next line, it just kind of adds more analogy of death into the next few lines. he says hes flowing through these days -- hes almost on autopilot, just kind of flowing through his life, apathetic of whats happening around him. he then talks about becoming emotionally numb, feeling pain so much that hes just stopped feeling altogether.

"I know what died that night, it can never be brought back to life Once again, I know I know I died that night and I'll never be brought back to life Once again, I know" first hes just talking about death almost as if it were someone else that died, in a way almost denying that it was him. then he kind of comes to grips with reality and admits that it was him that died, and becoming hopeless, thinking that he can never come back to life, and saying "i know" like kind of "dont try to comfort me, i know, its over for me."

well, thats my idea of what the songs about. not saying its definitely what he meant by it, but its just my interpretation of it.

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