Lyric discussion by caitsith01 

This song is entirely brilliant lyrically, it has several layers of meaning.

  1. The songwriter sitting looking out his window, thinking about what to write

  2. The songwriter imagining himself in a fairy-tale type story in a book he's reading, as the naive hero

  3. The songwriter thinking about his actual mundane life and the band he's in

  4. The songwriter speaking to his ex-lovers, who he abandons and doesn't always contact

At the end 1-4 are brought together perfectly by the last few lines.

I would go so far as to say that:

Oh, that wasn't what I meant to say at all From where I'm sitting, rain Washing against the lonely tenement Has set my mind to wander

And the rest of that verse are the best lyrics I can think of outside a Bob Dylan song, and from me that's very high praise indeed.

Great insight.

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