Lyric discussion by Lepra Messias 

I have to agree with StoneKnotSiC666. It's probably about losing his mind over not being able to figure out what life is all about and which religion to follow (if any), and although he has given up believe in anything he cannot see (god), life still sucks, and he needs something to cling to, coz even the things he can actually see and proof (dog) don't make sense to him until he wonders whether even they aren't really see. so that's two black eyes... I don't know, but 43 might refer to the traveller's guide to the galaxy where 42 is the answer to the most important question in the world (the one about god, the world, and everything), but no one has even been able to find the right question. so here it would mean, this guy knows all the answers to be false AND doesn't know where to start finding the most important questions in his life. It really fucks him up so much, he can't even sleep anymore, let alone think straight. It's all different kinda thoughts intertwined, so I find it really hard interpreting Mushroomhead songs. They have almost the most puzzling lyrics around.

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