Lyric discussion by lyricstudent 

I'm sorry I acted like such a tyrant by dominating this songs meaning with repeated comments... I happily got carried away on the fact that there was a semi discussion here.. which I probably ultimately killed..But about Bell Bottom Blues being a great song..

It's been my experience that any time you listen to a song over and over and over again, eventually, you don't desire to hear the song anymore.. i.e. you get bored with it, no matter how great the song is.

It's a question of what gives us that nearly sexual feeling of music enjoyment.. that moment when we ever enjoyed it.. really enjoyed it.. That moment we try to go back to...

May sound perverted, but that's the ultimate reality when you listen to music without participating in it..
As if the music should merely caress your organ..

But Bell Bottom Blues is so sexy.. It makes me want to scream like Michael Jackson and brake a glass like Wesley Willis.

I too wonder if my overanalyzing depth will ruin all of my chance to enjoy music.. Then again, my point of living is not to be a music critic.. My point of living.. My life -- is music.. It is like music... And that's where I connect..

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