Lyric discussion by rocky777 

Well...geez! Where to start? :/

I use "ignorant" freely...realize that I don’t mean 'stupidity', but 'lack of knowledge, not informed'. Sorry about that.

I think we've established a few things, so we can throw a few out:

1)The song is about Maynard's mother, Judith. Not a friend, not Judas, but it obviously involves, extremely deeply...the story of Christ. Yes, everyone has been correct in saying that THIS lyrics site doesn’t capitalize Christ or God, and it DOES indeed say "your" before both titles, but we cant forget the line "Talk to Jesus Christ as if He knows the reasons why"...showing that he is indeed talking about Jesus Christ - the man that no one has ever successfully denied the evidence that existed, which some choose to follow more evidence that he was God incarnate- that we, as Christians, try to do our best to impersonate and please. (Note: not APPEASE...that’s not possible to appease God) The question is whether each of us as individuals, and the co-writer/singer of the song, believes in Christ, the man proven archeologically and historically to have existed a little less than 2000 years ago, and whether or not he is God. (Feel free to ask questions, Ill be back to check replies and future posts.) To all Christian-bashers that have ever or ever will leave a comment on this song...Believing and following Christ isn’t as unfathomable or unreasonable as you’ve made it out to be, in your lives or in your words. ;) It’s very reasonable, very wise, and very possible. Faith is a much smaller leap than what most think, and cold hard fact actually points in that direction...we'll talk that another time, another place :)

2)Maynard wont be praying or going to church or finding the truth out anytime soon. The song was written in ignorance, but from a perspective everyone should relate to at some point in their lives...not so far as to say that we should get offensive, but to question. Maynard just questioned and came out with an incorrect and ill found response according to some. I personally think that Maynard/whoever used YOUR to emphasize that he doesn’t even believe enough to give his mom the gratitude to say it as a name...implying it exists. YOUR god and YOUR christ implies something entirely personal and unreal outside her.

3)The music is great, his voice is perfectly accompanied, and if it wasn’t for the debatable and ignorance that I perceive in the lyrics...the fact that it sounds like something I’ve thought/said in the something Id like to keep there. It could’ve been a favorite if the anger would have been directed towards something more ignorance, itself. :D

Thanks for reading, all the 10 pages of comments so far really explained a lot!!! Sorry for the book :/

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