Lyric discussion by OpinionHead 

It's about the sin of Lilith. According to legend, she was made from dirt like Adam and she was meant to be his equal. Adam told her to submit but she refused and so she left him to be on her own. God confronted Lilith and told her to return to her husband. She refused once more and was punished for disobedience by being made into a succubus. I think is the song is meant to be her response to her ex-husband after all the unfortunate events had taken place. To survive her suffering, she eats the infant descendants of Adam and Eve. Whether or not this song is about that, I have wondered if Sam Beam created this album to praise the more feminine side of humanity. I read The Da Vinci Code recently and I came to understand that there are people in the world who believe in something called the sacred feminine. Granted these are my thoughts and my thoughts only, I have listened to this awesome EPs many times over since I have purchased it and I have sensed a strong feminine presence throughout it. I can't speak for Sam Beam and I can't help but make that connection. Whatever the theme of the album, it's my favorite EP after Jar of Flies and probably the best album so far this year.

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