Lyric discussion by RobbyRaccoon 

First off, I will say that I love this song. It is probably what got me addicted to KMFDM. The vocals done especially made me wanting more, even though how they are so amazing here is hard to describe. Bottom line, I think this is the greatest song they've ever done, and I think it's very influential, too.

As for its meaning, I think it should be very clear the message KMFDM is saying about Anarchy, and what it is to them: Gospel of rage/Faction of hate/Deviate from the absolute/Born of revenge/Raised on cement/Chaos created government

I find all of that to be parallel to Anarchy. Is not anarchy a government created from Chaos? I think also that Anarchy would require a lot of rage to be able to create. Especially in our state right now, if we were to even try to embrace the idea of anarchy, it would be because of our disdain for our current government, rather than because anarchy is a viable or reasonable solution.

Also, the bulk of the song seems to be saying about how hard his situation is, which is probably caused by the government, and that anarchy would be a solution to his problems. Really, the song takes a perspective from somebody who clearly wants anarchy, "Wake me up in Anarchy". But I do not feel that KMFDM was trying to send a message that they are taking this point of view, but merely trying to convey a message in general about anarchy.

One thing I can't figure out is this: "I made a god out of blood Not superiority" The only interpretation I can come up with is that it means the government is "God" and it would then be a government directly reflecting man(blood) rather than a heirarchy.

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