by tsucol on 08-15-2002 @ 06:18:25 PM
i hate slipknot, the only reason i had to write this is 'cause i live in iowa and i hate every single one of you. start listening to good music before you grow up and turn into a fucking retard(and i say this because none of you can be over 10). anyway, please get a better band idol than these faggots who dress up in masks so no one throws rocks at them on the street because of how untalented their music is.
Look, your entitled to your opinion and so are we (just like just_a_loser stated) So don't insult people with different tastes than you...and please, enough with the "real music" shit...all music is music....some, like punk, is music that is very simple and has very unintricate guitar and drums...some is more difficult but it's all music....if your going to bitch about "real music" well then I'd have to say the only "real music" is bethoven and bach....Don't just say you hate them because that's just dumb, you hate them why? because you can't stand the way they don't really scream and you don't like the fact that they don't go on and on about vmpires and death and have very deep lyrics (most of the time) just accept it, people have different tastes
@vampirella666 Hm, you call us imature but you use 'faggot' as a deogratory term. Well, I grew up with paranoid Schizophrenia, and Slipknot was a way for me to release my built up emotions without killing myself. So, they literally saved my life, no other band could fit their role.
@vampirella666 Hm, you call us imature but you use 'faggot' as a deogratory term. Well, I grew up with paranoid Schizophrenia, and Slipknot was a way for me to release my built up emotions without killing myself. So, they literally saved my life, no other band could fit their role.
YOU'RE the immature one, you could have kept your opinion tl yourself, but no. YOU came here, and YOU commented this. Probably seeking arguments, hoping that childish arguing may help you regain wgst little you have left of your youth(I know this is a childish insult, it's mainly here as...
YOU'RE the immature one, you could have kept your opinion tl yourself, but no. YOU came here, and YOU commented this. Probably seeking arguments, hoping that childish arguing may help you regain wgst little you have left of your youth(I know this is a childish insult, it's mainly here as an oxymoron).
If you're so mature, go use your precious to help society, not putting us Knotheads down.
Oh, and I fuckin love Beethoven, and a huge range of artists. I like bands ranging from Slipknot, to the beatles. So don't be so presumptuous.
by tsucol on 08-15-2002 @ 06:18:25 PM
i hate slipknot, the only reason i had to write this is 'cause i live in iowa and i hate every single one of you. start listening to good music before you grow up and turn into a fucking retard(and i say this because none of you can be over 10). anyway, please get a better band idol than these faggots who dress up in masks so no one throws rocks at them on the street because of how untalented their music is.
Look, your entitled to your opinion and so are we (just like just_a_loser stated) So don't insult people with different tastes than you...and please, enough with the "real music" shit...all music is music....some, like punk, is music that is very simple and has very unintricate guitar and drums...some is more difficult but it's all music....if your going to bitch about "real music" well then I'd have to say the only "real music" is bethoven and bach....Don't just say you hate them because that's just dumb, you hate them why? because you can't stand the way they don't really scream and you don't like the fact that they don't go on and on about vmpires and death and have very deep lyrics (most of the time) just accept it, people have different tastes
@vampirella666 Hm, you call us imature but you use 'faggot' as a deogratory term. Well, I grew up with paranoid Schizophrenia, and Slipknot was a way for me to release my built up emotions without killing myself. So, they literally saved my life, no other band could fit their role.
@vampirella666 Hm, you call us imature but you use 'faggot' as a deogratory term. Well, I grew up with paranoid Schizophrenia, and Slipknot was a way for me to release my built up emotions without killing myself. So, they literally saved my life, no other band could fit their role.
YOU'RE the immature one, you could have kept your opinion tl yourself, but no. YOU came here, and YOU commented this. Probably seeking arguments, hoping that childish arguing may help you regain wgst little you have left of your youth(I know this is a childish insult, it's mainly here as...
YOU'RE the immature one, you could have kept your opinion tl yourself, but no. YOU came here, and YOU commented this. Probably seeking arguments, hoping that childish arguing may help you regain wgst little you have left of your youth(I know this is a childish insult, it's mainly here as an oxymoron).
If you're so mature, go use your precious to help society, not putting us Knotheads down.
Oh, and I fuckin love Beethoven, and a huge range of artists. I like bands ranging from Slipknot, to the beatles. So don't be so presumptuous.
G'day, Pal