Lyric discussion by Necronic 

This song is about the idiots who glorify the torture of a man, the ones who wear the crucifix and scream at you because "were all going to hell". Well, there is nothing more hellacious than going to church and seeing the statue of an agonizing, dying, bloodied Jesus scaring the shit of little children. "You are the ones who killed your own son" - I couldnt have said it any better. Here's this cult of Christian wacknuts perpetrating an event in order to sell the "babble". It's like killing someone and saying to someone else, "See what you did to them?" God IS the reason Satan lives on because of the bullshit his (gods) followers dish out. Worship of God throughout time has spawned the bloodiest of events from the Jewish genocide of pagan Caananites to the witch hunt of heretics during the inquisitions to the bloody crusades in Europe and to the present days Muslims and terrorism. Its clear, GOD worship is bloody and truly EVIL. Deicide shows this well. To those with the power of discernment (a rare trait among Christians), you would understand the message behind this song. But, its apparent weve got diehard christians who are drawn to controversy, to make ignorant posts dissing the band. And that actually works IN FAVOR for Deicide, because it shows the intolerance inherent among sheepish christians. Life will truly be better once monotheistic worship becomes a thing of the past.

your and idiot that line is about the biblical story of Abraham sacrificing his son for god....and god is the reason that satan lives on, is self explanatory if theres no belief in god then thers no satan man your fuck not satanic or christian or religious for that matter and i kno this

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