Lyric discussion by zenwizard 

So much talk about war. According to a book called "The Fourth Turning", their is a premise backed by many historians that war is cyclical. "Catastrophic" war occurs on average approx every 80 years:

Roughly 80 years ago was the Great Depression and World War II. Roughly 80 years before that was the Civil War. Roughly 80 years before that, the Revolutionary War. Roughly 80 years before that, Glorious Revolution of 1675-1704. Roughly 80 years before that, the Armada Crisis of 1569-1594. And roughly 80 years before that the War of the Roses (1459-1487). Well, its about that time again. The next war might be the War to end all wars around (2010-2020). War is part of life. People just can't help it.

Oh, yeah - Great Song!

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