Lyric discussion by Greyshoes 

Cover art for Murray lyrics by Pete Yorn

Those Wilsons were a bizarre bunch. Word on the street is Murray pretty much freaked out his kids-- they were susceptible to all that crazy mental instablity, anyway, just like a lot of incredible smart people are (Take "A Beautiful Mind" for example).

This song is excellent. Take this line: "If seeing is believing/lord knows what he sees here every night." 1) it's important because it's repeated, like, a jogillon times. 2) think about it! What hallucinations are they susceptible to? Have you ever met someone who just seems to invent everything about their lives, they are illogical and impossible to reason with? "People change when truth's not part of their lives."

I never knew it was in context of the Wilsons, which may detract from the line in my opinion, but it's still incredible. In that case, what man lives under his covers? BRIAN WILSON. ding (did you guys check out his album "Smile?" do it. you can listen to it a thousand times and NEVER hear everything that's going on musically.)

"Lost his mind from the TV." Again, another excellent line, whether it's in context with the Wilsons or not. The story is, that Brian Wilson saw preformance of Jimi Hendrix on the television, and Hendrix freaked out and yelled, "YOU'LL NEVER HEAR ANOTHER BEACH TUNE AGAIN!" Brian was working on Smile at the time (a LONG time ago), and he threw away all of the recordings he had done so far. As far as Murray having lost his mind from the TV, he pushed his kids to be perfect. This isn't like your regular, well-wishing dad. Nothing was ever good enough-- he beat on them, etc. To say that he was a "real asshole" is a huge understatement ("playing god?"). So he MADE them produce singles that were popular country-wide, so they were on Television and whatnot. He "lost his mind from the TV."

Great song, Pete.
