Lyric discussion by oldskoolpunker23 

My uncle gave me a record of these guys like 10 yrs ago and gave me there tapes like 4 and i heard this song, it reminded me of my buddy, he just got out of school hardcore fucker, drank everynight, shot up alot, smoked crack dope, he was all into that shit, and tequila was his #1 drink, and one night we were sitting around a fire, and we all had a bottle of Jack Danniels and a beer can comes flying over the fence and we go and look to see who it was, and it was some fucking wiggers, so the dumb ass my buddy was starts chasing after them and he was gone for an hr so my other buddy wa slike where the fuck is he lets go check on him, we drove around for like 1 hr and we found him in a park fucking crying, he killed a fucking 14 yr old, he was 20 and yeah hes in jail till hes 90 and i dont think hes gonna make it, learn from a fools mistakes not your own

Hi OldSkool, I'm sorry to hear about your friend. The sad reality of alcohol and drugs is it can make the smartest man choose stupid and illogical choices. I'm 44 now,there was a time when I almost made a bad choice. I was in a bad situation, I decided I could take on three people. I fought my best and lost, horribly. I came back later that night(5:45AM with the full intent to do great bodily harm to anyone that was still there. Two of the guys were still there, passed out. Instead of commiting a crime, I simply left a sticky...

Great story

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