Lyric discussion by AlairaKasimer 

Cover art for Why? lyrics by Emiliana Torrini

Does anyone have a good idea of what this means? I have some idea, but I'm not sure how accurate it is.

Basically I think it starts off talking about a relationship gone kinda bad...a kind of controlling guy "pretend only you, you know the answers."

Anyway, the girl feels abandoned by him somehow and is distraught. "I wait longing for you baby, there's no one around me wanting me."

Then the chorus: "Is this what you want? Do you want a piece of mind? Tell me now, Are you short of cash? Our thing was made to last Tell me, tell me now, Tell me why?"

I think this indicates some anger coming into play. She feels the only reason he'd have for showing back up is because he wants something from her (i.e. money). And then she just wants to know why he hurt their relationship the way he did.

The next stanza indicates the speaker beginning to heal: "Love don't mean nothing, cause I'm alive." She realizes she can move on and that a relationship is not everything there is to life. However, she still feels somewhat lost... "With an airplane ticket, but nowhere to go."

So she begins to heal, but is still carrying the burden of this sadness on her.

Anyone have other ideas about this??
