Lyric discussion by bonsor 

Cover art for Insignificance lyrics by Pearl Jam

"the full moon is dead skin, the one down here is wearing thin"

the moon is a lifeless place with no atmosphere. the earth is full of resources, and we just gluttonously consume them without thinking of the consequences might be. as technology has improved and industries have become more efficient, the demand for manpower has decreased. so in order to feed their families, people have artifically created needs so they can have a job. SUVs, spinning hubcaps and everything in between are not things we needs, but are things created by people who need to feed their families. The downside? We're just gluttonously consuming our world's resources so we can make this shit and not even thinking about the consequences. We're killing ourselves as a species more and more quickly every day and bringing the world's ecosystem closer to the status of the moons: nonexistent.