Lyric discussion by alter913 

Hell yea spuddly, way to make that reference to plato's cave. wut an amazing story.

the theme of plato's cave is that it can be difficult understanding actual reality b/c we get accustomed to thinking that what we see is the only reality there is or that wut we think is reality can be an illusion to people.

and this song "cave" makes several references to plato's story,

"You can see it and you can almost hear it too You can almost taste it,"--- this is how us humans difine wut is reality, by wy using our 5 senses.

"Please close your ears and try to look away"----- in plato's story, a monster propped these people's heads so that they can never move them, hence y the lyrics say, "try to look away" that is why they think that shadows are living creatures, b/c they have never seen the sun b/c their heads are stuck

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