Lyric discussion by nothing2lose 

ok, ive heard about the whole Lord of the Rings relations and whatnot, do you really realize how easy it would be to compare any lyrics to the lord of the rings, i mean its a 3 set book about a conquest.. how many songs are about traveling and what not? ok so that might not make sense to all of you but it does to me but i may just be too stoned to realize. but im sure that this song was written while they were stoned, and im sure that the whole black dog around the studio is right. i mean plant and page are both great writers, but im sure they didnt spend 4 months researching books and thinking up metaphors for every song that they make. have any of you ever written a song? well i know when i write i write what comes in my head, i dont try to sit there and think of metaphors and relations to books to mess with everyone. and i mean no disrespect to anyone of zep, they are one of the greatest bands to ever live, and hell maybe they did take 4 months per song.. all i know is that whatever they did worked. they are musical genious

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