Lyric discussion by on your porch 

Cover art for The 'Feel Good' Revolution lyrics by Bright Eyes

this song is so unbelieveably good.

I was laying on my bed talking to my friend one night (at a slumber party. indeed, my friends and I STILL have slumber parties even though we're all well into high school and a few are in college). We were talking about how we don't want to grow up, you know? Just stay this age forever. And then came a silence (not an awkward one, but you know, just one where it's comfortable because you have nothing to feel awkward about) And this song was playing in the background, and when we stopped talking it said, "we can hang out all night long lay in bed and talk to a good friend because you only get older and you probably forget what it is like "

and it's so true, you know? I can relate really well to this song.
I think it's mostly about growing up and relationships. Relationships with friends and girls (in this case) And even though it's not hard to read into or anything, it's still very good.