Lyric discussion by ZinbobDan 

i just heard it on the radio and i realized what it's actually about: Full House

it's from young and wild Jesse's point of view...he's a rocker on tour and he goes broke; he can't get anything to eat and he can't get any chicks anymore so he begrudgingly gives up the rock and roll lifestyle and finds his "asshole brother" Danny Tanner (well, brother in-law)...he settles down, and lives by Danny's rules and learns to become a role model for his neices

but the song expresses his restlessness, the storm underneath the tranquil lifestyle depicted on the TV show...he doesn't believe that elvis is dead, like, the elvis inside of him still wants to rock and get laid...and the band comments on the show's having no sex in its violence, like how the point of the show is resolving everyday conflict (so everyone can hug in the end) but they ignore one of the most prevalent conflicts encountered daily by teenagers and their parents: SEX!!! jesse wants to flee Danny Tanner's sexless little world and go fuck hot (or ugly) girls...

...this must be the pre-Becky days....ooooh man

...maybe i should quit watching full house on nick at nite

@ZinbobDan I think it's hilarious how many people think this song is about Full House. Go to and there's a dude talking about how this song is about Full House! I really doubt that Gavin would write about a cheesy sitcom but hey you never know....

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