Lyric discussion by quiffporn 

This reminds me of this time, when I was out on the piss, in this rock club, and me and my mate, were fucking about, talking about how "hard" we were, trying to go one better on each other, kind of Monty Pythonesque, like:

"Man, you think you're hard? I brush my teeth with brillo pads"

Then my mate would be like:

"Thats nothing, I don't bother brushing my teeth at all, I just wait for them to go rotten, then I knock them out of my head, with a claw hammer..."

Well, there was this kid stood next to us, who must have thought we were serious, so he tries to act all casual, walks in front of us, downs his beer and takes a bite out of the glass. He is standing there, trying to look really tough and cool, while he has tears in his eyes and a bit of blood trickling out of the cornor of his mouth.

My mate was like "erm, you might want to get that looked at mate..." and we turned away laughing, as he ran off...

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