Lyric discussion by Lizzybelle 

a few years back, my best guy friend was killed in a really horrible car crash. It was mid march and i was sitting at the counter of the local cafe listening to this very song. my best girl friend (who worked there) came bursting into the room just as gavin was singing (if i treated you bad, you'd bruise my face, couldn't love you more, you've got a beautiful taste) with tears streaming down her face and she grabbed me up into this pain-filled hug and just sobbed. at the time i had no idea what was going on, so i just held her against me and continued to listen to the song. it was when gavin began to sing the last chorus of the song that the father of another one of our good friends walked through the door and told me what happened. in all of my life i have never felt a pain so deep or so powerful...and i sincerely hope that i never will. but as long as i live, i will never be able to listen to this song without thinking of him...and i'll love him for the rest of my life.

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