Lyric discussion by nopoetic 

no one has made an actual in-depth review of these lyrics...they are all focusing on the most apparent aspects of them....

basically what i see the song as is a representation of his view of a relationship turned bad. Missmoo was partly right in saying that he wasn't actually drunk or at a party. these things may have happened to him, but thats besides the point, they are being used as metaphors in this instance. they represent his emotions and his thoughts. lets go line by line....

"i think i'm drunk enough to drive you home now"

i think this describes how he's at a point where he wishes the other person misery or whatever, everyone experiences this after a bad break up initally anyway.

"i'll keep my mouth kept shut from under lock and key, that's rusted firm, no lie 'cause all these conversations wind on and on"

someone else had a similar idea in that he is talking about how everything is kind of blurred and his mind keeps wandering back to the relationship and how you sometimes pine over it for awhile, thinking about what you did wrong or whos fault it was etc etc. and he's try to avoid it, all the conversations with himself, in his head.

"drinking champagne from a paper cup is never quite the same and every sip's moving through my eyes and up into my brain"

i think he's describing the misery of loving someone that doesnt deserve it, "champagne from a paper cup is never quite the same" = expensive behind cheap, meaning he's taking love from someone who isn't really giving it. but the feeling makes him drunk and keeps him thinking on it, trying to find meaning in the relationship he's spending so much time disecting.

"at half past two; about time to leave 'cause the dj's playing rhythm and blues a sad-sorry state, stutter step to those slammin' grooves as i'm waiting around for you"

i think the last few lines describe his disgust for all this shit he's causing himself, all the pain that is mostly internal and how its cliche to him almost, like the overused, so common inner depression. it's shit he wants to get out of cause he's better than it. he's basically saying he hates how he is still in love with this person. trying to leave it all behind but still feeling that emptyness you do when you are rejected. so like azeael85 said, the message "trying to fit something meaningful, or with substance, into a shitty container." to fit what im talking about, more specifically, looking for love in something that doesnt hold it. the relationship he was in was a paper cup, champagne is the love. thats just one take on the song. i think it holds up pretty well. anyone else have any more ideas?

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