Lyric discussion by stoolhardy 

Jeez, this song just has an awesome sound to it, it always makes me feel like I'm experiencing another world. The lyrics? Well, I guess he's saying that "I am going to live my life and do what feels right. In the past I didn't take chances because I was too afraid to lose, but not anymore. After all, this is my life."

I'm not real sure what this has to do about the relationship that he mentions just a bit. My guess is: as long as he is in in a relationship with her, he feels he is not getting what he wants out of life for some reason. The lyrics are kind of sparse anyway so it could be anything. Anyone want to elaborate?

@stoolhardy He realizes he loves someone but they don't love him back. He has been lying to himself all along hoping that it would work out. He knows now that it won't work, but he is caught up in his desire to have that person sooooo badly. He is trapped between reasoning and desire. He keeps telling himself, "its my life" trying to snap himself out of it, but he can't. It is a never ending battle as he tries to get away from the person he wants most.

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