Lyric discussion by i am the eggman 

this song is about being depressed. in the video, it has two coreys standing there, staring at eachother, and singing. then one of them starts getting really old and finally crumples up and dies. it was like the normal corey was watching himself waste away.

wow lil-piggy, i really dont like you. Do you realize that YOU are complaining right there? you just think that "EVERYONE is a tortured soul and artist/ singer, song writer " cuz thats who you surround your self with. i mean, look at the hiphop industy. they dont act like "tourtured souls" also, you sound like you havent had that bad of a life. i would think getting teased about your color would be allot better than being physically or sexually abused or something! how can that be the "result of your own choice"?!? hell, i get teased EVERY FUCKING DAY because im 'goth' and look at me! im perfectly fine! except for the fact i have to see a shrink every week, but that is for other reasons. so, who are you to complain? do you even KNOW What real pain feels like?? yeah, whos the dick now, eh?

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