Lyric discussion by ZidaneTribal 

Heh, I was planning on reading all of these comments, but there are just way too many pointless ones.

To philly: I remember a story when I was a kid about a boy who was throwing starfish back into the ocean as the tide went back down. He was approached by a man who asked why he was even trying, there were millions of star fish on the beach, how could you possibly make a difference. The boy threw another starfish into the water and responded "I made a difference for that one". I hope this is self-explanatory.

I thought the video was interesting, I liked the style. I didn't like how (because of the time it was released) it was basically another political commercial. Maybe if it had been released a couple months after the election I'd honor it (though that would kind of make less sense on the video). Also, what's up with MTV lately? I never remember them being so radical when it came to politics. It started out with the "Choose or Lose" but soon became "Choose Kerry or Lose". I especially enjoyed the "Gay Doughnut" commercial, as I call it; I could not stop laughing. Using doughnuts was probably a bad idea, as I interpreted them as representing something else... Anyway...

Perhaps what led to my more conservative ideals was the fact that every mindless angsty teen was an extreme liberal. I know that more than half of the kids at my school didn't even know what was going on but were running around yelling "Fuck Bush!". This is how I see Eminem with this song.

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