Lyric discussion by dlugoczaj 

This song was written in 1999 or something so it was NOT inspired by 9/11, but the first time I heard it afterwards it scared the sh*t out of me; struck me as almost prescient.

I can't listen to it anymore without thinking about the guys who hijacked the planes to fly into the WTC, "moving efficiently beyond security," and their sense of "great opportunity" within that suicide mission (i.e., blindly serving their leader, getting into heaven with all the attendant virgins, etc.). "The people mover discounted"--I could read that line as the appropriation of the airplane as weapon, discounting all the people on it. Even the foggy ambience of it, the lack of clarity of the lyrics, strike me as suitably horrific.

(yogaboat, I like your interpretation, and given some of the other stuff on that album about disillusioned professionals--e.g., "Sad Professor," "Daysleeper"--I think it could be right on target. Disillusionment in general seems to be a big theme of the album, now that I think about it.)

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