Lyric discussion by suspectofsubtlety 

Its like the paper thin walls bit is reffering to how easy it is to see what other people are doing and fit in with the social norm.

"These walls are paper thin And everyone hears every little sound Everyone's a voyeur, their watching me Watch them, watch me right now "

Then he goes onto say that people will do what they must to get ahead even if they now its wrong.

"They're shakin’ hands, they're shakin’ in their shoes Oh Lord, don't shake me down"

And how greedy everyone is and how people in third world countires starve to keep the west fat and lazy.(no offence to any nice westeners)

"Everyone wants two of them And half of everyone else who’s around"

Then he goes on to say that since evryone acts this way its become okay to do so even if its really bad.

"Its been agreed, the whole world stinks So no ones taking showers anymore"

And then he says that all this greed is pointless ad eventually tiresome even if you find a little pleasure in it.

"Laugh hard its a long ways to the bank."

And eventually he goes on to say how he doesnt care how everyone else acts he's just going to be honest with himself and let everyone else get on with their lives and how he'll let himself be abused for others profit cos he doesnt care about the money. He'll no longer let himself be dragged down by others.

"I can't be blamed for nothin’ anymore It's been a long time since you've been around Laugh hard it’s a long ways to the bank Tow the line to tax the time, you know That you don't owe I can't be a fool for everyone that I don't know"

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