Lyric discussion by MusicLover44 

Cover art for Halo lyrics by Dogstar

OK, first of all, please don't slam Dogstar. No, they were not the best most perfect group in the world, but they did TRY for a while. And say what you will, Keanu Reeves' bass playing is just fine. Give these guys a break, wontcha?

First I want to comment on Bret Domrose's lyrics. I really do like them a lot. He seems to put a lot of thought into what he says, and he can turn a phrase nicely. I love "Hello to my hollow one with a halo." What an amazing phrase! I love singing it! His lyrics are not mystical or filled with hidden meanings...he is direct, sometimes to the point of seeming too simplistic. But if you listen to this (and some of the other songs on the album) enough, you get it -- and you get him.

While other songs on the Happy Ending album could stand a bit of improvement (or perhaps a tad more musical originality), this one really stands out, along with "Corner Store", "Slipping Down," and Washington.