Lyric discussion by ViciousMachine 

god, i hate north america!!!! (At least in terms of music)

this is the 1st song i've heard of tragedy of theatre and they have how many albums out? 7-8? geez

well, this song seems to be about a man who's been forgotten over time. He wants to be remembered (maybe wanted.)

there are a few diff meanings i could come up with:

1-he's been forgotten from the spotlight, like a famous singer/actor, b/c of the "His undisputed kind of self-love" line which implies he was full of himself and maybe cocky.

the other seems to be maybe he woke up from a coma or something. cause of lines "His face in the bathroom mirror, Someone looks at him" like he's aged, and almost doesnt recognize himself.

of course, the aged thing might just be because he wasted his life away. Maybe he's just a workaholic, and he worked so much, that every1 around him has forgotten him, and nobody remembers him, and now he's old, and realises life has passed him off.

and in the end, he's "moving/going somewhere" to perhaps find a new path in life.

any feedback?

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