Lyric discussion by Solinus 

Cover art for Got to Get You Into My Life lyrics by Beatles, The

From Many Years from Now' (New York, Henry Holt and Company, 1997) by Paul :

"Got to Get You Into My Life" was one I wrote when I had first been introduced to pot. I'd been a rather straight working-class lad but when we started to get into pot it seemed to me to be quite uplifting. It didn't seem to have too many side effects like alcohol or some of the other stuff, like pills, which I pretty much kept off. I kind of liked marijuana. I didn't have a hard time with it and to me it was mind-expanding, literally mind-expanding.

So "Got to get You Into My Life" is really a song about that, it's not to a person, it's actually about pot. It's saying, 'I'm going to do this. This is not a bad idea.' So it's actually an ode to pot, like someone else might write an ode to chocolate or a good claret. It wouldn't be the first time in history someone's done it, but in my case it was the first flush of pot."

Pp 184-193.