Lyric discussion by leonperkin 

" Yeah I traded laughs In for chartsengrafs But all of that's only fun Until evening comes "

These four lines indicate to me that some business person has spent so much of his life studying and working towards a goal he really doesn’t enjoy life outside of working hours because he's lonely (or something). In lieu of the boredom, he loses his mind by night.. How I’m not really sure! But maybe the depressing lifestyle he lives drives him to do crazy things by night!

A similar spin is that the person has worked towards a career, sacrificing the simple enjoyable life for the serious life of the 9-5 but found once he's got there that he's lost the ability to go back to that simple enjoyment he had before. As a result his out of work hours are spent feeling bored, alienated and thoroughly disconnected from his old life and everyone still living it.

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