Lyric discussion by drinkthepoison 

"Would?" is written for Andrew Wood; I don't think "God Smack" was.

Layne has said that this is about watching someone you love descend into heroin addiction. I'd guess that it was written about his fiancee, who eventually passed away from heroin-related causes. Regardless, it sounds like he's trying to wake the person up to what is happening to them, and to the fact that he knows it, and that it's awful. He's sort of begging [her?] to realize what she's done (he sings "What in God's name have you done?" with such horror) and to stop ("Can't get high, or you will die").

The line "And God's name is smack for some" is a criticism; he's complaining that heroin has become more important to [her?] than anything else in the world, even god (as he complains earlier the person has "cast aside" everyone that cares, and has grown more fond of "that horse" than of him). One of the most touching lines is "And I think that you're not blind / To the ones you left behind / I'll be here." He's telling this person that he knows that she knows she's leaving the people she loves behind, but that he'll be still be there for [her?].

It's so sad that he watched someone he loved going through this, and then ended up doing the same thing himself. Poor Layne.

Wow thanks for the comment, if you look at it the way you described, it's like becomes a different song... if that's about some other person (not about Layne himself) than it must be the most touching AiC song... I think it's not only for Demri, but for all the junkies out there... Thanx again! Layne was the brightest and kindest soul even he had dirt in his mind. I really love him >:'(

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