Lyric discussion by nullportal 

"Well they say that rock is dead And they're probably right 99 girls in the pit Did it have to come to this?"

And they said "God" was "dead" one time too (as a predominant cultural anchor, not in any theological sense). But along came Carter, the whole Born Again she-bang, and it seems "God" is not "dead". Maybe this kind of thing could happen for rock too, despite failing attendence - a mere 99 girls. Of course this can also be interpreted in a certain "the world revolves about me" sense, and she may be referring only to riot grrrl rock, of which I suppose she means mostly herself. There's something about Courtney Love's estimate of her importance which can be matched only by Yoko Ono's overblown opinion of herself, so maybe this meaning does apply throughout the song.

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