Lyric discussion by Geek UK 

Funnily enough the first verse fits very well to The Matrix.

"You have your very own number"

You're just another component in the system - nothing more than 'another number' to the machines

"They dress your cage in it's nature"

Those trapped in the Matrix see an environment that they see their own - that of 20th century Earth, yet they are still caged here by their oppressors. It's all an illusion.

"Once you roared now you just grunt lame" Before the machines came the human race ruled the earth. Now they are condemned to simply imititate everyday life

"Pace around pathetic pound games"

The main activity in most people's lifes - making money. In a capitalist society it's necessary for survival, whether you get it through work or dole payments. But in the Matrix it is just a game - nothing actually matters because nothing is real

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