Lyric discussion by nopoetic 

why does everyone praise Sing the Sorrow...its just so bad. forget all the shit about them selling out or what not. the album is just shitty. if their next album is good, then so be it, but this one is just shit. they tryed to expand their horizons and it didnt work. it sounds cliche and lame. their lyrics are all completely contrived anyway. in my opinion i think he's just bullshitting people with them to sell albums. its all the same. cause everyone knows art is hard and if you arnt in pain, theres no use for it. i'll only give him credit for the ability to put words together, their meaning is bullshit. whatever...AFI needs to stick to what they are good at. Art of Drowning wasnt too bad, Black Sails was good, and everything before was great punk rock. stick to what you're good at. so many bands try to expand and it doesnt work because they just arnt that talented. its like a punk rock midlife crisis. they all feel the need to get recognition for their music from other musicians. im rambleing now, but you all get my general opinion.

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