Lyric discussion by PJ10 

yeah, im also surprised no ones commented. theyre a pretty damn good band, although sometimes calebs overly slurred together vocals do get on my nerves (aka trani), actually caleb himself is kind of, not necessarily annoying, but yeah, a little annoying. i saw them open for the strokes in october (and actually ended up meeting both bands through sheer luck), and everytime calebs hair got out of place he stopped playing and smoothed it out, and he did that every couple of minutes throughout their set. okay, i spose thats not so very annoying, but it IS really funny watching a singer groom himself when the rest of the band is rocking out. also, he was wearing a scarf and boots with pretty high heels/platforms for a guy because hes so short. haha, sorry, i swear i do think this band is great despite my making fun of them, and sorry im really not commenting on talihina sky (great hidden track), but if you ever get to see caleb fuss over his appearance on stage, you'll understand just how funny it is.

just a bit of trivia for you... caleb slurred his words on a lot of kings of leon's earlier songs because he was very self-conscious about his own lyrics. as for you meeting the strokes and kings of leon at the same time. they're my only two favourite bands. i envy you.

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