Lyric discussion by Amara_Tenou 

Cover art for Isobel lyrics by Björk

This is a quote Bjork said about it in a book I have: "Isobel is a woman who was born in a forest from a spark, not a mother or a father. When she grows up she finds that the pebbles on the forest floor are actually baby skyscrapers. So when she is a fully grown woman she finds herself living in the city. Most people in the city are run by their heads and she is completely instinct driven, which doesn't match very well. So she dances on tables naked and kisses the wrong people and falls in love with them and makes a lot of emotional crashes. isobel means well but ends up doing a lot of harm so decides to go back to the forest." Just thought I'd share that. And HatreInTechincolor is right about it being the second in a three part story. You guys were all righ tin a way. I had no idea what it was about until I read the book I got.