Lyric discussion by grlatdarocksho22 

this song meaning is hard... but you always know that with trapr...its real deep. they kick ass... i love a lot of bands but few make it to my favorite favorite list... and trapt is one of them. anyways... this meaning is definietely deep and hard... azbbakschamps01 theory seems like it is good, but its jus i dont know... not seeming right... so considering i listen to it over and over again anywyas, i started thinking of meanings... and heres what ive com up with

hes thinking into the future in the chorus and how hes gunna be later and if hes gunna continue being famous or if hes gunna fall and if anyone will remeber him, and stuff... but i dont think that seems right exactly either... cuz the verses and all... so i dont know... the verses sound like hes mad at omeone for not taking an oppurtunity cuz it took to long, like his girlfriend had a chance to d something or stop something but didnt cuz it was taking to long and her patience ran out... and of course that has nothing rlating to the chorus theory.... so im jus gunna do my best figured out meaning in parts as i have been the second verse relates a little more to the chorus theory cuz it seems like hes seeing when he falls and hes trying to prevent it... but nobody else is preventing it... and AHA it relates a little to the first chorus... like he was trying to get his girlfriend to do something to help him prevent it... but she wont do the thing cuz its taking too long and her patience ran out with him... the the prechorus is about him waiting for the fall to come... anyways this is my theory... its probably really far from true... but i think that hes dreaming this.... and "these thoughts trickle down" is like when hes awake again and then all those thought from his dream hit him as like "omg how much time left do i have like this" wait... it just came to me that all those theories of mine were about his girlfriend... and how they are gunna break up and hes wondering how its gunna be when its all said and done(the breakup is said and done) im pobably just confusing everybody... but anyways to sum everything up, hes dreaming about his girlfriend and then he realizes that he was gunna do something for her but she gave up waiting cuz it took to long and her patience ran out. then he realize that shes going to break up with him and hes the only one who sees it coming cuz he was dreaming about the future and then all the thoughts hit him at oce and he wonders what his life will be like when the breakup is all said and done. i know this is a crazy theory but its what i cam eup with... sorry if this confuses everyone... TRAPT ROX!!!

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