Lyric discussion by the_toolshed 

Cover art for Blood Of Eden lyrics by Peter Gabriel

I sent this in an email a couple of years ago, after listening it and Peter's thoughts on it...I was thinking of Adam and Eve. I always wondered what they where like. What do you say to each other after a thing like that? I often wonder what went through Adam’s mind when he realised what Eve had done. Did he even consider his options. Did he even look at the creature before him in a different way. I mean defying God isn’t your average awkward moment around the coffee machine. And sometimes I wonder what the world would have been like if he hadn’t taken the apple. What a dull world, no big slurpy kisses, no songs of wooing, no sonnets, no Casablanca. And sometimes I wonder if all this occurred to Adam as he stood before her and perhaps he choose to bite the apple because he couldn’t bear to be without the woman he loved. That perhaps love does conquer all and sometimes, and I will tell you people that this, this is my point, that love, love conquers all, even God and maybe that’s the point. I love that big goofy bastard, I really do. Fuck, maybe Adam couldn’t take losing another body part. But what about that idea, that the fall of man was God’s greatest achievement. Hey, he’s the one who says he’s a man with a plan…

@the_toolshed Che bellissima cosa che hai scritto

@the_toolshed Beautiful, thank you.\r\n