Lyric discussion by jackrules 

Cover art for 10's lyrics by Pantera

Phil Anselmo has a huge cock. 10's (inches?) This song is probably about heroin. Phil Anselmo did heroin for awhile then quit cold turkey. People who do heroin make kick ass music. Examples: Dax Riggs, Scott Weiland, Layne Staley. The only exception is Kurt Cobain. I hate that guy. Anyway, Pantera fucking rule for a bunch of drunk rednecks. Damageplan sucks!

@jackrules No doubt about the reference, 10\'s is a needle reference, though it could as easily allude to perfection--not in the coincidental Asian sense (ten literally being perfect as a number and in meaning) as much as somebody with a perfect body or rather the body being perfect.\r\n\r\nNot really a genitalia joke, not that the band would ever mind or care TOO much, but Pantera being a real heavy metal band not their purest intention.\r\n\r\nFtr, I know certain bands, even hugely popular ones can come off as whiny, because truthfully they really are in at least some way, but their...