Lyric discussion by The_Jean_Genie 

To me this song is about falling in love with someone. Time to disect the song=D

Line 1: -----To me in this line he is trying to ask the person if they really can see how much he loves them underneath everything else. Roses can be used to descirbe the false beauty of something. That false beauty is just in his eyes though because i doesn't know how the other person feels about him so and he still has all the insecurities and he wonders of they know he has them as well.

Line 2 needs none

Line 3: -----This just means to him it feels like they are meant to be forever

Line 4: -----The river rising is meant by the feeling of water going up ones back. This is used to describe the feeling of love and the feeling of it engulfying you.

Remaining lines also need no explanation

Actually, he is talking about the love of God.

"...the wire of eternity twists around us..."

Only the love of God is eternal. Love between two human dies with human death.

" this instance when our worlds collide..."

This is referring to the kingdom of God v.s. the kingdom of mankind. The reason this song is called "Collision" is not because he is colliding with someone he loves, but the collision is between the ever-perfect God and the sinful mind of the lyricist.

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