Lyric discussion by green_eyes 

Cover art for The Scientist lyrics by Coldplay

omg, this song is soo good, when i listend to it, it reminded me of my ex, so fast, and god knows i miss him, but pete and i are over(very long story) this song, to me is about a guy who falls so head over heels in love with a lady, and then things dont work out in the end, and he tries to figure out why like normal ppl, but he cant, so he turns to science, and that doesn't work, but he still loves her , and i think you can tell bcause in the first verse, hes running in circles, hoping for tails, bcasue heads is totaly different, and then at the end of the second verse, he changes his mind, and says chasing tail, thats what i did, i called out to him(pete) after we split, and said u know, come back, then it didn't work, so i strated chasing him(not phisicly, but in dreams, attitude, and listening only to depressing music for a year[first love!!!])-mo