Lyric discussion by Kabukistar 

With such short and, seemingly, unrelated lyrics, this is a hard to to figure out. Even if you can't, it's a great song, especialy for the insturment break towards the end. One meening that's a possibility, but probably not true, has to do with the lyrics "just admit that you're wrong and i'll give back what i borrowed or stole" and "prove all my hypotheses" and how they reminded me of a break-up I was having at the time. During the relationship, I had suspected that this one guy who was always hitting on her was a problem, and she told me not to worry about it, but in the end, she left me for him, proving all my hypotheses. The "just admit that you're wrong..." part just seems like general stubourn fighting with someone, like as in after a break-up. Allthought this probably isn't what DCFC intended for the meening of this song, it's on interperatation.

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