Lyric discussion by marble deVos 

Cover art for Ariadne's Thread lyrics by Saetia

every time i read these lyrics and/or listen to this song i interpret it differently. it could be because im not always in the same mood, or maybe my sobriety level is different every time, or maybe its because it simply has many different meanings. well anyway i digress. the last time i read these lyrics i was sitting alone, stoned in the bush. i was going insane flipping through all of their lyrics writing down all my thought about them. when i came upon this one i thought maybe it was about a couple argueing infront of their kid .remember when you're a littel kid and your parents are always argueing and you never say anythign or stand up for yourself? 'i only speak when spoken to i thought youknew this and i am sorry' thats the kid, along with a couple of other lines. i also think this couple is argueing about broken promises and expectations not lived up to.