Lyric discussion by .deadandbreathing. 

All the interpretations I have heard have had good points. But to me, this song really hits hard. I just recently lost my grandfather, The white day that only comes once a year. the day he died, is a day I will never miss. The whole singing about arriving me, means that...I will arrive back with him, eventually. I just have to get there first. even though he is gone, the show must still go on. Time can't stop because of what has happened. i must keep living my life as planned. But looking ahead at the road, we can't see a thing, because the future cannot be told. "keep your eyes on the road, hands on the wheel, don't let us slip, this is almost a nightmare" Means that, keep focused, and level headed, remain calm, don't let yourself slip into anything other then happiness. even though this is almost a nightmare, having to face life on your own. you have to keep yourself sane. and going. to get where you want to be. "keep your eyes off the white, don't let us die tonight" As bad as it seems, don't give into temptation and just end it all. suicide is not the answer. Feel the passing of day...Is part of moving on, and "stop don't hit the breaks, they don't do a thing" is saying that...stop, take time to look around, but don't hit the breaks, cuz you can't stop time, its impossible. there fore the whole "they don't do a thing" comes into play... Even if these points only apply to me, This song is amazing, and tear worthy.

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